Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What is more important "caste" or "crime"?

Here is another headline which you must have seen somewhere in news, which I feel that if put as a head line, also implies something different. I am talking about the headlines which explicitly put the caste of the rape victims, especially if the victim belongs to some lower caste of India. When rape happens somewhere, how much chance is there, that it happened on them because of their caste, not because of their vulnerable position and the criminal mind of attacker put together. Atrocities towards the weak elements of society are not a new thing. You can see it at every point irrespective of caste. It is like Survival of the fittest. Only better administration can prevent this. This has its origin as far as the human evolution. It is just because of selfish human mind. It has nothing to do with the caste of the victim. An assaulter never asks the caste before assaulting the victim.

So if we put the caste to which the victim belongs as first two words of headline. This means that we are emphasizing the fact the “lower caste of female victim” was more important than the fact of “being raped”. Which is ironic, because in most of the cases newsmakers don’t know the caste of the assaulter because they are unidentified? And if they are identified, you don’t know the motive or driving force of the rape. I am not denying the fact that few times rape also happens in order to show power of a community/caste/army towards other. But, if we are talking about the daily rape cases of India, motives and driving forces are essentially different statistically.

When you say that, a minor girl/boy was raped, you are emphasizing the severity of crime by the age of victim and the sickness of human mind. This seems fine. When you say that a foreigner got raped in India, you are emphasizing that somebody has just smeared upon the India’s face and the crime also was against a guest of India, which also seems fine. You just showed that this rape can be seen in another perspective too, and this perspective is related to severity of crime. But when you repeatedly say that a female of this particular community/caste was raped, you just increased the rift, which many politicians have been digging since ages. You just showed that this rape can also be seen as a crime of upper caste towards lower caste.  And I don’t see any point in increasing the rift in society just make the news more spicy and eye catching.

You should start to see these things in more generic way, as crime arising from excessive male domination, unemployment, poverty, lack of judicial system, societal norms, criminal mind etc.  Or crime of stronger part of society towards weak irrespective of gender or caste etc.


chandresh said...

Great dude
well said.

redemption ain't dat easy said...

You should start to see these things in more generic way, as crime arising from excessive male domination, unemployment, poverty, lack of judicial system, societal norms, criminal mind etc. Or crime of stronger part of society towards weak irrespective of gender or caste etc.

hey dude...
the definition of you is missing yaar....
good attempt..

told you na.... blue ocean strategy....
as far as i know... well i have never attempted though :)
rape is nothing but getting blinded by passion.... :)
and thats why... a raper never asks the victim for her caste..
it is a crime... but to make it more stringent on the assaulter's side... blue ocean strategy of casticism is used.... you know... our constitution...
mumari kayamati will rape you if you ever touch a girl of her cast.. hope you know what i mean..

and i would like you to know.. that there was once a case in a phoren country.. where the victim was a girl of 3 years... and despite of desperate and dedicated attempts by her parents.. the accused got free... because the victim.. the three year old girl.... was using words like lulli(in english) and the english baby word for u know what :)
the accused got free because the victim couldnt clarify what exactly happened.... :)
there have been cases like these too...
now dont ask me why i was seaching for articles like these..:)
there could not be a crime severe than this... and caste was also not involved....
told you na... rape is nothing but getting blinded by passion...

looking forward for new articles like these...

meanwhile.. i am researching on concepts of catlord... cat lord is god of cats.. and when cats die.. wheteher they go to heaven or hell... and get mice or dogs.. is being decided by catlord...

always remember ... "nothing is ilegal , unless you get caught"....

redemption ain't dat easy said...

criminal mind of attacker....
what crap are you writing??/

its a mind of accused that gets blinded by passion...

use good lingo....

X said...

Actually,I am always trying to use good lingo... maybe over the time i will learn...:)

Thanks for comments.. this encourages... :)

redemption ain't dat easy said...

what encourages??? the comment...

or the content of the comment...

u know what i am talking about


Manish Kumar said...

re sunniya........ comments (of course gud ones)encourages to write more....dats wats kanoon is trying to say. usually i call him pcc or cango bt kanoon suites here.

Manish Kumar said...

~~~~"you don’t know the motive or driving force of the rape"~~~~

there r only 2 reasons 4 rape - sexual desire of d rapist or punishment to d victim.

~~~~"It has nothing to do with the caste of the victim. An assaulter never asks the caste before assaulting the victim."~~~~

~~~~"You should start to see these things in more generic way.~~ crime of stronger part of society towards weak irrespective of gender or caste."~~~~

Reply -
Suppose a rich n mighty bastard wants to hav sex, n not wid his wife or a prostitute. So wat does he do, he calls his followers to get him a girl n a girl is abducted n raped. the girl is usually of lower class. Poor r easy pray.

In many places in India most people of a particular community or caste r poor. Low caste means low economic n social status. Low caste n lower class r synonyms. So saying that a high caste man rapes a low caste woman is same as saying that high class crimes against low class. Its nt abt a particular caste bt abt all(most of the) d lower caste.

Of all d girls raped majaor portion is from lower caste. so caste here is an important factor. Its not just in d case of rape, in all d crimes a major portion of the victims r frm lower caste n THATS BCZ DE R POOR TOO.

Not all rapes happen out of blind passion. When poor revolts against d exploitations of r rich, d rich punishes d poor, it kills d poor men n rapes poor women(men can strike back if nt killed but rape is enough 4 women killing is nt necessary).

Poor r easy pray. Most of the time poor means low caste.

And media makes bread n politicians make vote out of this.

X said...

First, there are not just two reasons of rape, if you probe deeper you will find more. But yeah, broadly speaking these can count for the most of the motives of rape.

Second, you got the purpose wrong here, whatever that bastard wants in above example, he don't have something in mind like the girl should be of lower class/caste. As you said poor are easy prey not lower class/caste. Because they are easily intimidated, they lack the courage, resource to fight back most of the times. So if you repeatedly say "Dalit girl rape", this creates a rift in between caste which can never be said good. Because the crime was not against caste, it was against human which more than 50% of times happen to be in lower part of society.

Also regarding this, I've lot more to share which I've experienced personally over the time. Maybe in next post...

X said...

@Sunny.. Yeah, definition of you is not explicitly mentioned here. By "you" I just generally mean who says/likes such headings.... It can be media, or politicians of caste based politics.

redemption ain't dat easy said...

I know what "you" think it means, sonny. To me it's just a made up word. A politician's word, so young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie, and have a job. What do you really want to know? Am I sorry for what I did?

"you" was just blinded by passion

X said...

Ha ha ha ... Morgan Freeman.. very well plagiarized.. :)

madhup said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
X said...

Thanks for the comment Maddhup.. I am actually surprised by your appearance ... :)

and thanks for the surprise suggestion which happen to be a cliche.. i am doing what i can.. and also what i want ...

X said...

@Maddhup .. Have your valuable suggestions on other one too ... Also i will update you with my other kanoons .. keep watching ...

redemption ain't dat easy said...

@madhup.... good going... surprise sex...

sahi kaha hai kisi ne... eyes only see what they want to see...

redemption ain't dat easy said...

talked to sannu... sannu says ki if we can search for someone like madhoop... wo kuch bhi harne k liye taiyar hai